Ensure recruitment and maintenance of quality tenants through appropriate screening methods for new tenants and offering high-quality services consistently
Rent Collection.
Ensure that applicable rent levels are right and collected on a timely basis. Online collection and recording through the Property Management System will promote efficiency in this area.
Tenant Lease Management
Ensure that written agreements are in place for every tenant that should address the responsibilities of both the Investor and the Tenant. Ensure also, that Tenants are in compliance with Lease terms and take prompt action when terms are violated.
Property Supervision and Maintenance
Ensure that Property is in good condition and safety standards are maintained. A documented plan of regular inspections to be kept and where applicable, a plan/budget for foreseen maintenance is approved by the Investor well in advance.
Liaison with third Party Suppliers and stakeholders.
Lead in the process of recruitment and maintenance of quality suppliers of key services such as Security, Cleaning, Legal Services, advertising Agents, and providers of repair and maintenance to the property. Ensure services they offer constitute value for money at all times.